Tuesday, August 23, 2011

In Command Baseball is now on Twitter and Facebook!

Click on the above link to follow @InCommandNYCT , and check out the Facebook feed in the right margin to like our page on Facebook for exclusive updates and pricing specials!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fundamentals in Photos

(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

St. Louis Cardinals First Baseman Albert Pujols fields a ground ball

What should I be looking at?

Head positioning: As with everything in sports, the eyes are supremely important in fielding a baseball. Albert Pujols, known for his light-tower-power, shows perfect form as he watches a ground ball into his glove.

Base: Pujols' feet are square, a little more than shoulder width apart, and bent at the knees. Notice that he is not straight-legged and bent over trying to make a play. The solid, athletic base allows for the fielder to react to an unexpected hop and never be off guard!

**Special End of Summer Pricing On Private Lessons**

Are you looking to elevate your game?

In Command Baseball is looking to fill out the remainder of our summer and fall schedule, and passing that benefit to our clients. Please contact us at incommandbaseball@gmail.com for special end of summer pricing on single lessons, as well as even lower prices when you purchase a package!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fundamentals in Photos

(Photo courtesy of Reuters)

Alex Rodriguez fires across the diamond.

What should I be looking at?

Arm Angle: The most important thing to keep in mind when throwing a baseball is the positioning of the elbow as compared to the shoulder. The ideal position is shown here as A-Rod attempts to throw a baserunner out at first base in a game in Detroit in May of this year. Positioning your elbow ABOVE the shoulder alleviates pressure on the elbow. When the elbow drops BELOW the shoulder, the elbow strains and, if done consistently, can result in injury.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Link of the Day

Over at on of my personal favorite baseball blogs, River Ave Blues, they took the time to break down the amazing success that Curtis Granderson has enjoyed since making the adjustments that I talked about in an "Major Leaguers You Can Learn From" post. Be sure to check it out!